Wholesale Clothing Supplier: How to Find the Perfect One

Finding the right clothing supplier is crucial for your business to be fruitful. You need great clothing as well as the best supplier you can find. The best supplier should have the following characters:

Be reliable

When choosing a clothing supplier, ensure that you can count on them every time you need them. They should deliver your order on time and be available whenever you need it. A good supplier should be on call when you need them. They should keep their word at all times.

Have a variety

When you need particular clothing, your supplier should have it ready. A good wholesaler should get you what you need. They also need to get in touch with other suppliers so that you can get all you need. Make sure you choose a supplier that keeps updating their collections.

You do not need to search for a long while before you get the clothing that is in style. Ensure that your supplier knows the style and designs you need to keep them in stock for you.

Be affordable

The best supplier should get you the clothes you want at the best price. They should be competitive and ensure that you receive the clothing while offering you great prizes. Choose a supplier who will make you have the best prices to compete with other sellers in the market effectively.

Be efficient

When you need clothes, your supplier should be readily available to get the items as fast as possible. They also need to process your order in a short time. You also need to receive the clothing in good condition.

You should also get your exact order when you are dealing with an efficient supplier. They will always try to ensure that your delivery is on time and is accurate. Do not consider working with a supplier who will not get your orders right. You will waste a lot of time and energy when dealing with their mistakes.

There are so many reasons for ensuring that you get the best supplier. The following are the ways to find the perfect clothing supplier:

Ask for referrals

If you know someone else with the same kind of business as yours, you can find out who supplies them. This technique will be useful, especially if you are not asking a direct competitor. You need to take time and ask questions so that you can find the best supplier.

Find out from previous clients how they do their business and how reliable they are. Referrals are crucial because you will get to meet other people who have dealt with the supplier you wish to engage with. Do not hesitate to ask the supplier also to give you contacts of their other customers. You can ask them all the questions you like. Ensure that you are satisfied with the answers before you do any business with the suppliers. Some of the questions you might ask are:

· How fast are they in delivery of goods

· Are they reliable

· Do they respond fast to calls and complaints

· How quick are the suppliers in correcting simple and significant mistakes

· What region do they supply

When you are thorough, you will get the best supplier for your business. Talk to your friends and business contacts and get as much information as you can.


You must do extensive research about them anytime you want to engage a wholesale supplier. With technology today, it is easy for anyone to do research and find out more about the company they want to deal with. Visit the suppliers’ website and find out more about them. You will get to know when it started, and many more.

Read reviews about the company and find out how they respond to any negative and positive reviews. If you see too many negative reviews, then you should look for a different supplier. Remember that you need to have a trusted partner when you seek a clothing supplier.

Join professional networks and forums

When you are in contact with other professionals, you will know more about how they get their suppliers. In these forums, you will also hear about suppliers’ reputations. You will be in the best position to pick the best supplier for your needs. You will meet other professionals who might be in the same industry as you are.

Ask about any supplier you want and get to know if they are known in the professional industry. If you know other people supplied by the same company, you will be better informed about them. Business forums are the best places to seek guidance and gossip about any supplier you want to use.

In these forums, business professionals engage and even give recommendations on several issues. Attend seminars and ask questions. Find other professions who have been successful in the industry and seek advice.

Trade shows and publications

Attend trade shows so that you can meet several suppliers and know more about them. Here you will find a variety so that you can make the best choice for you. Most of these events are successful in building relationships between suppliers and retailers.

In a trade show, you will speak to dozens of manufacturers and suppliers in a day. You will compare several companies and get the best for you. Subscribe to publications that will discuss the suppliers available in the market and read about them. You will be updated weekly, daily, or even monthly with these publications. There are different types of publications available these are:

· Newsletters

· Blogs

· Magazines

Most trade shows are organized yearly and are available in many regions. You will find a trade show, whether it is global or local. They are worth the time, so visit, and you will get a great supplier.

Try dealing with the manufacturer

Whenever possible, always try to deal with the manufacturer directly before you engage anyone else. Cutting off the middleman will help in the following ways:

· It cuts costs

· It is faster

· The manufacturer will sell it to you at a cheaper rate

In case the manufacturer cannot supply you with the clothing you need, you can always ask them for recommendations. They will give you the names of companies that you can deal with. Ask them for several options so that you can choose the most suitable one for you.

You do not have to go through many people so that you can get the best distributor. Most manufactures have the most trusted distributors, so they can be best to refer you to one in your region. Some manufacturers have agents who can help you get the best supplier.

Search engines and directories

It is easy to use search engines like Google to get a clothing supplier near you. Any information you get about them, you can always do more research on, and you will get several options. Ensure that you know more about a company before you give them and order. You can visit their site and also read reviews from previous clients.

Turn the pages of a directory, and you will always find anything you are looking for. You can go directly to the categories you want and compare the available suppliers. After getting their numbers, call and ask them more questions before you settle on one.

You also need to find out about wholesale directories to find out more about a company before you do any business with them. Some directories give a list of fully vetted suppliers so that you can save time.

Work with local distributors.

It is always safer to work with local distributors. This is because they are easier to vet and even contact. You can always go to their offices or warehouses in case you are having issues. Problem-solving is much easier and faster when you can reach your supplier quickly.

When you are starting, it will also be beneficial because the shipping costs will be less. Before you dismiss a local supplier, take a look at their work, and talk to their clients. You will get the information you need so that you can make the best choice. You do not have to pay more for the same clothing that you can receive from a local supplier.

Have a direct contact person

Make sure that you have a direct contact person in the supplying company. You can always contact them if you have any issues like:

· Delay in shipment

· Missing items

· Wrong order placements

· Damaged clothing

These and many more can arise when you are dealing with a supplier. When you have direct contact with one or more people in the company, they will work hard to resolve any issues. You can easily follow up on your order tins way and make any changes you want faster.

No matter how you find your wholesale clothing supplier, you must check them thoroughly. You do not want to count losses and have regrets later. Vet the supplier, and do not be afraid of backing out if you are not comfortable. You can always go back and find a different supplier who will be the best fit for your business.