Calvin Klein clothing

shop window calvin klein

Calvin Klein was founded by the fashion designer Calvin Klein in 1968. Calvin studied at the High School of Art and Design in Manhattan but never graduated from it. He worked at an old-line cloak and suit manufacturer before starting his own business. He spends most of the time in his teenage years working hard at mastering this craft. Calvin was deeply passionate about the fashion industry and was determined to become the best in this field. He started the Calvin Klein company in 1968, together with his friend Barry Schwartz. Klein was one of the most influential fashion designers in the Jewish community in the Bronx, along with other great names such as Ralph Lauren. He was a protege of the Baron de Gunzburg, who introduced him to the elite fashion world even before he launched his first successful collection. Then, Calvin launched his first clothing line, which was a great success. After his first appearance at the New York Fashion Week, his talent was recognized worldwide. His clean clothing lines, yet very sophisticated were highly appreciated, and he was named the new Yves Saint Laurent. He had numerous successes during his career, even at the start. In 1974 the tight-fitting signature jeans that brought its company sales of 200.000 pairs in the first week from the launch. In the same year was the first designer awarded by the CFDA for outstanding design in men’s and women’s wear. In 2002, the company was sold to Philips Van Heusen Corp for 400 million dollars cash, 30 million dollars in stock, and licensing rights and royalties. Calvin continued as an advisor for this brand after the sale. The company’s success continues, and in 2010 they announced sales of 4.6 billion euros. Calvin Klein provides high-end clothes, lingerie, perfumes, and accessories. This brand uses premium materials, with unique designs. Now are available Calvin Klein clothing wholesale stores as well, from which you can purchase its luxury items.

When was Calvin Klein found?

Calvin Klein was founded in 1968, by Calvin Klein and his childhood friend, Barry Schwartz. They launched a coat shop named Calvin Klein Limited in the York Hotel in New York City. Their first collection was a line of youthful and understated dresses and coats. They had only 10.000 dollars in the beginning, but Klein’s first collection was a success that helped the brand gain great popularity, being featured on the cover of Vogue magazine in 1969. After that, the brand expanded its line, providing also sportswear, blazers, lingerie, cosmetics, and accessories.

Who is the owner of Calvin Klein?

Calvin Klein brand was sold in 2002 to OVH – Philips Van Heusen Corp, one of the largest global apparel companies with over 8 billion dollars revenues. This company also owns Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, and other successful fashion brands.

Calvin Klein's portrait
Portrait of Calvin Klein

Who makes Calvin Klein?

Although he had sold the company, Calvin Klein still was the creative consultant for the design for a period of time. From 2016, the Creative Director of this brand is Raf Simmons. Raf received the reins of the brand, a responsibility that only Klein himself had in the brand’s history. Raf Simmons is a prestigious fashion designer, which made impressive collections for Calvin Klein. He added a western flair to the denim collections and created cheeky pieces such as the Jaws T-shirts.

How did Calvin Klein influence fashion?

Calvin Klein launched the first brand which was highly sensual and introduced American minimalism. Klein revolutionized the denim and underwear items, by producing the first pair of designer jeans and creating the first masculine underwear for women. This brand influenced everything from the hip hop and grunge styles in the ’90s to the minimalist evening dresses and woman workwear. Calvin Klein produced new lines of jeans, which transformed the denim item forever. They popularized the androgyne style, which was defined by women wearing male-style underwear and basic t-shirts and jeans for a simple, yet unique style. But Klein also influenced the higher standards of fashion, by producing sophisticated evening dresses, simply loved by celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Carolyn Murphy. The most notorious and successful evening dress was the A-line silk slip dress.

You can find amazing items like the one mentioned at advantageous prices at Calvin Klein clothing sale.

catwalkCat walk from Calvin Klein Fashion Show calvin klein
Cat walk from Calvin Klein Fashion Show

What is Calvin Klein known for?

Calvin Klein is known for minimalist, sensual items, with stylish designs that cannot go unnoticed. They use premium materials, and all items produced by Calvin Klein are high-end. This brand introduced for the first time the boyish underwear for women, unique denim pieces, and sexy evening gown with a simple yet very chic design, and made with luxury materials like silk. His clothing lines are simple, modern, and preferably in neutral colors. Calvin Klein is also known for the controversial advertising campaigns, very sexy and provocative. You can find gorgeous items from this brand at Calvin Klein clothing online discount.

Where did Calvin Klein originate?

Calvin Klein’s first store was located in York Hotel from New York. This brand was launched in 1968.

Where is Calvin Klein made?

Calvin Klein items are made mostly in the USA, Italy, and some of them in China. They use premium materials, and the quality of the items is high.

Calvin Klein facts

They are numerous interesting facts about the Calvin Klein brand and its founder. Let’s find out some of them:

  • Calvin Klein comes from a family of Jewish immigrants.
  • He worked tirelessly to master his craft. His teenage years were spent mostly by sewing, and studying designs.
  • His childhood friend gave Calvin 10.000 dollars to start the Calvin Klein brand.
  • Many of Klein brand featured young models in sensual poses. Among these models was 15 years old Brooke Shields.
  • Calvin Klein was the youngest designer who received the prestigious Coty Award, three times in a row.

Calvin Klein net worth

Calvin Klein, the fashion designer who founded this brand, net worth is 700 million dollars. The brand’s net worth is 8 billion dollars.