20 useful tips to build a successful ecommerce site

Successful ecommerce boutique

Thinking about creating an E-commerce site all by yourself involves asking yourself many questions before taking the first step: what do you sell? Where is it? How do you get people to prefer your products? How do you market them? How and where do you get paid? How do you manage shipments? Etc. With this guide on 20 useful tips on how to open an E-commerce site, we will try to answer all these questions.

1. Choose the right E-commerce platform. An E-commerce platform is a tool that allows you to sell your products or services within a special website. Technically, an E-commerce platform is an all-in-one solution that can make the difference between creating a successful E-commerce and one with little activity.

2. Dedicate your strategy to mobile users too. In fact, you should start thinking about creating a specific service for mobile devices, since it is the starting point for learning how to sell online.

3. Give yourself a good first impression. It takes about 50 milliseconds to determine if your site is credible or not. It can be a simple header, the name of the store itself or something else. In short, be creative and careful not to overdo it, the customer must be attracted by the products, not only by the graphics.

4. Image matters! Your customers will remember 80% of the visual content and only 20% of the written content. When creating your E-commerce, remember to insert clear and quality photos. Use white background, take photos in high resolution, show only the object, shoot from different angles, if you can, rely on a photographer.

5. Optimize navigation. Insert clear sections for each article, don’t put everything in the same “container”. For new items, create the “new arrivals” section, for brands, create the “brands” section and so on. Make it intuitive and easy to find.

6. Develop an original idea. Don’t fall into the mistake of copying other E-commerce just because they are already successful. Develop your idea and give users something that distinguishes you and makes you recognizable.

7. Create a motto. Hearing “… It gives you wings” what makes you think? To create a great motto you should ask yourself questions similar to the ones below:

  • What do I offer?
  • What problem does my offer solve?
  • Why would people want to buy it?
  • Who is my offer for?
  • Who am I and what credentials do I have?
  • Who are my competitors?
  • In which field do I want to work?
  • How do I want people to act?

8. Create a blog. It can help increase the number of your visitors. Publish often and keep users updated on your news, create loyalty, make them participate in your current and future projects.

9. Create a nice “About Us” section. Tell your story, make people understand who you are, what your experience is and why your products or services should be preferred by customers.

10. Develop a successful SEO strategy. Creating a successful E-commerce means knowing how to reach the greatest number of people. To do this you must make your SEO site friendly, that is, you must make it attractive to the eyes of search engines. Use keywords, enter the most searched products, make people find your site.

11. Find the right customer with the right item. Customers like to see articles that can be useful to them. Use cookies and their purchase histories to show them the products that could entice them to purchase and maybe show them a “Recommended for you” section.

12. Use live chat to help customers make purchases. Often your customers need additional information about the products, so it is good to have a direct and real-time assistance service for you need a sales assistant, a sort of “virtual salesman” who responds to the customer’s needs and helps finalize the purchase.

13. Make offers and discounts. There are many things that can entice you to buy. Discounts are one of them. Offer discounts on the first purchase, free shipping over a certain amount spent on the single purchase, seasonal promotions, etc.

14. Optimize your cart. Many carts filled by customers are abandoned, 71%. Why? Simple: shipping costs too high, slow loading, too much information required, registration required, few payment methods, etc.

15. Create a shipping strategy. This is a rather complex issue, because the right choice depends on the numbers generated by your E-commerce. The most sought-after delivery methods are obviously the free ones. There are also the so-called “flat rates” that allow you to offer fixed rate shipping. Finally, the expenses by weight. The latter are more suitable for small businesses.

16. Ask for opinions. Satisfied customer reviews are the best advertisement. You can create a section dedicated to the opinions on your site and your products, or, invite the customer to leave feedback after the purchase.

17. Evaluate the newsletter service. This is not spam, but “electronic leafleting”. Request an email address from your customers and from time to time, keep them informed of promotions and new items with emails.

18. Show security and reliability to your customers. Choose an E-commerce platform with strong security protocols such as LibertyBusiness, use strong SSL authentication, track orders and use strong passwords.

19. Develop a social strategy. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, are not only sites where you can take selfies and share them with friends, but real showcases where you can display your articles. Create a profile or page in the name of your E-commerce, create Advertising campaigns and reach more people on social networks.

20. Use the Referral program. If people take advantage of advertising your shop, they will do it more willingly. Create a system whereby those who buy from you get a personal link to invite other customers. When invited customers buy in turn, the person who invited them gets a discount, a coupon, and so on.